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If we raise enough money through the raffle we will:



  • Bring in experienced international route-setters, with IFSC accreditation and experience of setting for National Teams to host workshops to teach our Route Setters (all provinces invited) how to set World Cup Standard routes! This will uplift our route setters, teaching them new skills and techniques and, thus, help our current and future athletes by giving them the chance to climb on international style routes as a norm! We will be better prepared. Also… this must not be a once off, we envisage making this a process with many different route setters hosting workshops.

  • Bring in experienced climbing coaches from around the world to host workshops with our coaches. The saying “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime” comes to mind. If our coaches get world-class training on an ongoing basis, it goes without saying that our athletes will improve.

  • Purchase the latest possible IFSC accredited holds that are used in international competitions. It’s safe to say that no gym in South Africa currently has competition climbing holds from the last 5 years. Dual texture holds are even rare. This puts our athletes at a huge disadvantage if the first time they ever experience a hold is at an international competition you’ve paid 10s of thousands of rands to attend. Let’s purchase hold sets every year so that our athletes can train on them and compete on them prior going overseas!

  • Expose more of South Africa’s youth to climbing. In South Africa rugby, cricket, hockey and netball are so entrenched in school culture we need to really make an effort to change this mindset. Home schooling, private institutions and Covid have led to more youth finding individual sports (like climbing) appealing – but we can take this further since many schools are starting to see the appeal of individual “extramural” sports. Additionally we feel that there are so many disadvantaged youth that would benefit from climbing that we would like to team up with individuals and organisations to expose them to climbing.  We want to grow climbing AND change lives.


Lastly… but not least.

There is so much we can do to change climbing and take it to the next level. So that athletes competing today and the future do not have to experience what our forerunners have in the past! 


Please help us. Buy 1 ticket, buy 5, buy 10, or simply share our posts on your own social media or convince friends to donate to a great cause (every cent will be spent on developing climbing). Without you we cannot fulfil our dreams of being the centre for climbing excellence in Africa


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